Monthly Archives: January 2012

Keeping an art journal/sketchbook

One of my new favorite resources as an art educator is Pinterest ( it is a digital pin board and idea sharing website and the perfect place for artist to swap and share ideas for lessons. Some of my favorite pins involve sketchbooks and art journals, especially this article onĀ Keeping a Visual Journal. I’ve always kept a sketchbook to take notes in, sketch ideas, develop skills, easily draw outside on a hike, and just be creative in a place where no one can judge my work. Sometimes I paint in a sketchbook to write and draw in later because white paper can be so intimidating. Sketchbooks don’t have to be filled with plain sketches and journals don’t have to contain just writing. Here are some of my sketchbook pages showing that there is no wrong way to keep a sketchbook or visual journal, use text, collage, paint, pencil, photographs, internet sources, items lying around your house, and ideas from your head.

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